F2 point base visa insight

Hi, I have a question concerning the F2 point base visa. I tried once before and got refused because they said they looked at the salary over the last 12 months. But when I called today to check about the exemption of waiting 3 years, they said need to provide 2024 income tax paper (and not a document stating the last 12 months salaries and income taxes paid). My issue is that during the first and half month of January I was unemployed, then I will have to wait next year 2025 income tax paper to ask for F2, while if I give the last 12 months salaries… I can ask the F2 now… even my korean test won’t be valid next year anymore.. so I wanted to check with people what they gave for the proof of income when applying for F2 point base visa.. because I am tired of being ****** by the immigration for the past 6 years

submitted by /u/em3192
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