The Kazuha Lee Mujin was such an eye opener

Here’s the link to the Lee Mujin KAZUHA episode.

This is quickly becoming one of my favorite Lee Mujin episodes. It wasn’t a total vocal showcase, but Kazuha’s voice is just so charming, and honestly, this just proves even more how the whole “LE SSERAFIM can’t sing” thing is so forced.

I’ve always seen her as a stronger dancer, but her vocal tone is really captivating. Something about this episode felt so endearing to me. I’m so used to hearing her rap or do soft high notes in LE SSERAFIM’s songs, so hearing her show more range and a different vocal texture was a nice surprise. She also sounded so good singing in both English and Korean, which is even more impressive since neither is her native language.

Come Over sounded amazing! It actually made me even more excited for their comeback on March 14. I wonder if it’s a full English song?

She sounded stunning in Suffer, and the song fit her tone really well. She also had great chemistry with Mujin on Angel, and A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes gave major princess vibes.

She’s always been such a strong performer, and that’s what I’ve really known her for, but damn, she has a voice.

It’s crazy to think she debuted in LE SSERAFIM with barely any training, trained during COVID, and went straight into debuting. She’s improved so much, and I really hope we get to hear her sing more in the future.

Random discussion question Who are some idols mostly known for their dancing but actually have really good vocals or an underrated tone? Off the top of my head, I’d say Niki and Yeonjun. Both are amazing dancers with super underrated voices.

submitted by /u/accountfordrafts
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