Emergency address from Yoon: [속보] 윤석열 “야당, 계엄이 내란죄라며 광란의 칼춤” President Yoon Seok-yeol said on the 12th, “The opposition party is currently dancing like a madman, claiming that declaring martial law is tantamount to sedition.”

Emergency address from Yoon: [속보] 윤석열 “야당, 계엄이 내란죄라며 광란의 칼춤” President Yoon Seok-yeol said on the 12th, “The opposition party is currently dancing like a madman, claiming that declaring martial law is tantamount to sedition.”

This man is hell bent on ruining South Korea using Trump’s handbook on election fraud.

There’s either mental illness, blackmail, or he’s in someone’s pocket.

I cannot believe this is real…

submitted by /u/bestmondayever_5
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