Statistics Korea: 75.6% of married people are satisfied with their spouse (2024)

Statistics Korea: 75.6% of married people are satisfied with their spouse (2024)

Statistics Korea published 2024 Social Survey recently. Married Koreans’ spousal satisfaction rate is the highest ever at 75.6% this year. 80.5% for men and 70.7% for women. The answers to the question were very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, neutral, somewhat unsatisfied, or very unsatisfied. Only 5% of them chose either somewhat unsatisfied or very unsatisfied. The biggest factor for this trend is believed to be the increase in the number of couples sharing childcare and housework more evenly. In 2014, only 22.9% of wives in their 20s and 18.6% of wives in their 30s thought housework was fairly shared with their husband. In 2024, they are 55.2% and 36.8%, respectively. Also, people are less likely to tolerate unhappy marriage these days.

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