She’s The IT Girl for a reason!!! Jennie Kim I am FLOORED

Wow. I’m speechless. I don’t even know what to say. Jennie Kim Zen MV out Now!!!!

What an insanely incredible second single (assuming mantra was the first) to drop for her upcoming album Ruby. The cinematography and editing of this mv is a masterclass.

Jennie’s aura and charisma ooze out of the screen.


The song is just nothing I expected a kpop idol to give me in their solo work (maybe there’s something similar out there but I haven’t seen it).

Truly obsessed and now more than ever excited for Ruby.

YG I’ll see you out in the parking lot for keeping Jennie Kim (and the rest of my girls bc their solos have incredible to watch) in the dungeon.

submitted by /u/SnooPickles6034
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