Naturalised in the UK as a previously overseas Korean holding a permanent residency – Do I have to renounce prior to entering Korea?

Wanted to know if anyone could shed light on what I had in mind with regards to my current situation – So I’ve been a korean citizen holding a british permanent residency status and having let the embassy know of that to essentially defer the military service obligation til I am 38 (whatever this was, not entirely sure but it basically gave me the pass to go there without that obligation necessarily, unless I worked there or lived for more than 6 months).

I am aware that I ought to go through the process of renouncing the korean citizenship as I have now obtained a british citizenship having gone through the naturalisation process last year. But I’m wondering if it is gonna be bad idea if I decided to enter south korea without having done the renounciation step and to be showing/using my british passport when I go there for holiday for example.

Could anyone provide any insight please?

submitted by /u/ImmediateBar7921
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