There are 2 concerts taking place on the same day near you, which one would you go to?

Let’s say your favorite group/soloist/band is coming to perform in your country and luckily you live quite near the location the concert is taking place next week.

You’re thinking about buying tickets before they’re sold out until you discover another kpop group/soloist/band that you’ve never heard before also having their concert on the exact same day as your favourites, and taking place at the exact same time with exact same time duration.

The group/soloist/band you’ve never heard before are giving out their tickets for free, whereas your favourites are selling theirs at full price. You’re unsure whether either of them would come back to perform again.

This isn’t for research but I was curious and had this thought come up before, ik there are probably a lot of factors that play into this but which one would you choose?

Edit: Pls share your thoughts, if you want, on your decision too 🙂 (Also editing to add in soloists/bands)

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submitted by /u/MelonUniverse
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